Are you needing Parking enforcement or impound services for your business?
One of the biggest hassles for any business or property owner is parking compliance. Our team at Azteca Towing specializes in private property vehicle removal services. We work with you to design a plan for enforcement of your parking requirements. Serving the entire Phoenix metro area, we are here to make sure that your property is free of parking nightmares and business will not be interrupted. With our flatbed tow vehicles, we guarantee a damage free removal so that your headaches end when the vehicle is removed. If you need worry free vehicle removal, we’re here for you!
We strive to provide expert vehicle removal service to the following property types and Events:
- Apartment Communities
- Attractions
- Bars
- Business Centers
- Commercial Facilities
- Events
- Finance Companies
- Office Buildings
- HOA’s
- Indoor Parking
- Malls
- Private Schools
- Restaurants
- Shopping Centers

Azteca Towing specializes in private property vehicle removal services, specifically tailored to address parking compliance issues.
Azteca Towing guarantees damage-free vehicle removal using flatbed tow vehicles, aiming to alleviate headaches associated with parking enforcement.
Azteca Towing provides expert vehicle removal services to various property types and events, including apartment communities, bars, business centers, events, office buildings, shopping centers, and more.